
A good five months from this space and at times I would ponder on what I'd missed out apart from the hours spent on online-shopping which I had previously enjoyed on before work started in March, passing work probation in the second month and doing something I love. Or so I thought.
It had never crossed my mind on how much we would drift apart due to work ; Never in my life had I ever imagined that joining a close acquaintance in the same workplace would bring more harm than good ; the days pass by and all that long casual talk that we'd enjoyed in the past turned into narcissism and dissolved into nothing more than silence ; the occasional battling of an eyelid ; yet nonetheless still one who would be awake at the weirdest hours of all when I struggle to fall asleep after a stressful day and one that I'd confide in ; we're walking different paths now but I'd still wish that you'd be as carefree as before; the one that I'd once known to be.

开了灯眼前的模样 偌大的房 寂寞的窗

关了灯全都一个样 心里的伤 无法分享

随年月流去 随白发老去 随着你离去 快乐喵呜影讯
随往事淡去 随梦境睡去 随麻痹的心 逐渐远去

我好想你 好想你 却不露痕迹

我还踮着脚思念 我还任记忆盘旋 我还闭着眼流泪 我还装作无所谓

我好想你 好想你 却欺骗自己

我好想你 好想你 就当作秘密

我好想你 好想你 却深藏在心